Our HSE Policy

To reach our ambitious objective of ‘zero accident’ we have developed our HSE Policy around 3 pillars, placing the women and men of our organization at the heart of our actions, as a responsible employer, partner and industrial actor.​

Read our policy

We lead by example

We invest in our people

We care for our people

We lead
by example

We conduct our activities with exemplarity, focusing on three essential principles:
1. Individual commitment to health, safety, and environmental protection.
2. Regulatory and clients’ requirements conformity.
3. Participation in the collective effort to reduce our environmental impact, in line with our business and CSR commitments.

We invest
in our people

We allocate resources for the development of our employees, this materialises in:
1. Integration of newcomers & continuous training.
2. Strengthening a culture of trust where everyone is autonomous and responsible for HSE.
3. The guarantee for all of the principle of intervention.

We care
for our people

We provide safe working conditions, by:
1. Risk analysis and implementing preventive measures.
2. Carefully selecting trustable partners and subcontractors.
3. Performance indicators to assess effectiveness of our efforts.
4. Shared vigilance by encouraging all actors to be attentive and report risky situations.
5. Analysing all incidents to improve our practices.
6. Using of personal protective equipment.

Circular Economy Policy

We acknowledge our responsibility within the global economic system that aims to increase the efficiency of resource use and reduce our impact on the environment.

  • Sustainable procurement

    We demand our main suppliers to perform a Carbon Footprint Survey of their products and to identify opportunities for improvement.

  • Extension of product life

    We have a role in maintenance of infrastructures and facilities which actively participate in increasing their lifespan and therefore reducing their life cycle carbon footprint.

  • Waste management

    We ensure that the management of waste collected at our facilities is optimized and continuously improved.

2026 HSEQ Vision

Transform our processes, serve all businesses and grow our culture of care and safety.

Our HSE Strategic Roadmap

We have crafted an ambitious strategic Roadmap on Health, Safety, Environment and Quality, to align and streamline all individual and collective efforts across our organization.

This Roadmap serves as a guiding framework steering the course of our journey until the end of 2026. It is aligned with our overarching 2026 HSEQ Vision, encompassing six key axes of progress.

Reinforce Group foundation

We enhance our HSEQ Governance by initiating a comprehensive review of our strategic HSEQ Policies, aimed at establishing uniform standards across the organization.

Harmonize Group processes

In the context of the Group’s expansion and transformation we embark on a global review of our key Group HSEQ processes through a lean and risk-based approach while striving for the right balance between group harmonisation and local innovation & agility.

Digitalize HSEQ processes​

We pledge to optimize HSEQ data management by introducing an innovative platform designed to streamline reporting and enhance the decision-making process.

Strengthen our care for the environment

Aligned with our strategic commitment to foster a sustainable business model we are actively implementing our CSR initiatives with a focus on reducing carbon footprint and promoting the principles of a circular economy.

Support skills development

We reinforce our dedication to investing in our workforce by redefining the management of HSEQ skills and competencies. Additionally, we are in the process of shaping a program aimed at fostering the development of our safety culture.

Energize organization & partnerships

We enhance internal collaboration and actively pursue external partnerships to foster greater exchange among peers, promoting a culture of transparency, cooperation and mutual learning.

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