The climate emergency has taken centre stage in Ireland and companies are gradually moving away from feel-good green strategies, that achieve very little by way of tangible operational improvements, and embracing solar power.

Solar is one of the most affordable, efficient and popular zero-carbon electricity generation technologies. Enterprises such as leisure facilities, distribution centres, retail parks and business/industrial parks typically have extensive roof space, making them ideal candidates for solar photovoltaic (PV) installations.

Solar PV reduces a business’s electricity demand on the national grid, saves money, cuts carbon emissions and demonstrates the operation’s commitment to fighting climate change. This statement of responsibility is clearly visible to employees, customers, visitors and the local community and will undoubtedly raise the business profile.

Save money with solar

Until recently, many businesses shied away from investing in solar PV panels, given the high prices that this technology commanded on its release. However, the price of solar panels has dropped dramatically over the past decade, aided by support and subsidies, and is no longer an obstacle to new adopters.

Whatever the company size, rising energy costs mean that making the best use of roof space at the premises to generate energy is a wise move.

By installing solar PV panels, companies can take advantage of the green energy they generate to decrease operating costs, whilst reducing their dependence on the energy supplier.

With energy bills set to double in the next ten years, installing solar panels as part of an agile energy strategy has become a very attractive proposition, saving businesses from increased electricity bills and protection from other supply risks.

Energy security with solar

Ultimately, fossil fuels have no long-term future, necessitating large-scale investment in renewable energy generation at the grid level to meet Ireland’s increasing electricity demand. This can be primarily attributed to the growing number of registered electric vehicles and the charging infrastructure necessary to support them.

Energy prices in Ireland are currently among the highest in Europe and are set to continue their upward trajectory. Solar panels will help companies secure energy at a substantially cheaper rate, now and in the future.

Electricity powers the nation’s homes, farms, offices, and sports stadiums, yet it’s something everyone takes for granted because it’s always there.. Flick a switch and the light, machinery or electric vehicle activates. It’s simple… until outside influences threaten to upset the balance.

Whilst blackouts (power cuts) are extremely unlikely, they are not impossible. Energy to power the gas generators that produce electricity for the grid is currently plentiful. However, world events are impacting Ireland’s gas supply and causing a threat to energy security. In a worst-case scenario where electricity demand outstrips supply, engineers will need to reduce that demand by scheduling outages and/or flexing the amount of power to some households and businesses.

Solar panels, especially when combined with battery storage, safeguard businesses against blackouts. Storage provides the option to stockpile all of the excess energy generated by the rooftop solar panels, for use at night, during cloudy weather or in the case of an outage.

Solar power – greener and cleaner

By investing in solar power generation, a company will drastically reduce its carbon footprint and enhance its green credentials.

Businesses up and down the country that embrace solar technology are in a strong position to deliver the growth needed to meet the Irish government’s climate commitments by 2050.

Solar PV is just one important element in climate-focused strategies that is proving popular with customers, which can help boost competitive advantage while strengthening supply chain and consumer relationships.

Solar installations

Arguably, the most crucial phase of any solar installation is the planning and preparation, in the form of a comprehensive site survey. During the inspection, TSG Ireland’s solar specialists will determine the viability of the project, by checking the integrity of the roof to ensure it is structurally capable of withstanding the weight of the panels.

If no obstacles are found, then the number of panels will be calculated, based on the energy requirements of the company. Historical electricity usage will be factored into the calculation, plus any plans for expansion or additional shifts, etc. The size and orientation of the roof, plus shaded areas are also important characteristics for consideration in the placement of the panels to ensure maximum energy output.

Following the survey, the TSG Solar team will produce a detailed report on the full scope of the project including all equipment costings (panels, electrics and inverters) and installation times, before advising customers of the next steps and expected results.

TSG will then carry out all of the electrical works, before fitting the solar panels to absorb the sun’s rays. The steady stream of electrical energy is generated as direct current (DC) and consequently, inverters are required to convert it to alternating current (AC) before it can be utilised in the facility.

Businesses can then take advantage of low-cost energy to power daily operations, which can be supplemented by a top-up from the grid if necessary.

Service and maintenance of solar installations

TSG Ireland provides a professional service and maintenance programme for all of its solar installations, which typically includes a visual inspection of the panels, checks of the inverter, meter and other components, current and voltage check, inspection of roof condition, analysis of energy production and spot cleaning. It is important to include the cost of service from the onset of the project, as solar panels require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

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Author: Cheryl Ashton

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