TSG promotes the DiaLOG fuel management system from ProFleet. It is a wed-based platform that allows you to manage your fuel and equipment from any computer, without any need to install software. You can select a stand-alone terminal to control multiple dispensers, or opt for one of the dispenser integrated solutions. The DiaLOG is installed in over 70 countries and supports over 20 languages.

Key features

DiaLOG is one of the most advanced fuel management systems used in the industry. It acts as a site controller and can drive most of the other products commonly installed on-site, such as dispensers, level gauges, gates, car washes, and camera systems. Where needed, authorization can then be given using the same identifier.
Wetstock Management
DiaLOG supports the same extensive range of functions you would expect to find on large public stations. The DiaLOG system can be used to view your stock levels, receive automatic alerts when you run out of stock or when there is a delivery with a level gauge installed. You can also perform fuel reconciliations. Larger networks using millions of liters of fuel every year could benefit from having Fairbanks wetstock analysts monitoring the network to improve operational efficiency.

The DiaLOG application supports all identifiers as standard, from PIN, cost-efficient basic tags and cards to barcode readers, number plate recognition, and automatic vehicle identification. You can easily upgrade to any of the enhanced systems without having to change the DiaLOG terminal.

Weights and measures
TSG recommends complying with Weights and Measures standards (as is the standard for public stations) to sell fuel to a neighbour. DiaLOG is one of the very few fuel management systems that is both MID and OIML certified.

DiaHOST is the hosting solution for DiaLOG. Instead of storing the transaction data on a local network, the data is stored in the cloud. It is secure (HTTPS) and reduces overall costs while allowing for more efficient (remote) support.
Fuel Management
It acts as a site controller and can drive most of the other products commonly installed on-site, such as dispensers, level gauges, gates, car washes, and camera systems. Where needed, authorization can then be given using the same identifier.