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HSSE (Health, Safety, Security & Environment)
är en grundläggande del av vår verksamhet. Våra ledningsgrupper, på alla nivåer, är direkt involverade i utvecklingen av HSSE-mål på både individuell och organisatorisk nivå. Vi använder en gemensam uppsättning regler, riktlinjer och rapporteringsverktyg för att säkerställa en hög grad av professionalism och konsistens med både lokala och globala standarder, var vi än arbetar. Vi har strikta urvalsförfaranden och utbildningsprogram för alla våra underleverantörer. Vårt mål om “nollolyckor” syftar till att säkerställa en säkrare miljö för våra anställda, våra kunder och deras slutkunder.
Our global and local HSSE teams work closely with each other to share best-practice, pro-active safety initiatives and ‘lessons learned’ from accidents, incidents and Near-Miss reports. All of this is vital to allow us to achieve our goal that everyone returns home safe every single day.
Our safety culture is embedded across all our divisions. Based on the strategic company goal of “Zero Accidents”, the TSG philosophy is that no accident is acceptable, and that investigation, root cause and learnings from accidents are at the heart of positive change. Our HSSE community ensure this belief is used to understand and share important safety information.
Near-Miss reporting lies at the heart of our proactive approach to safety management, with employees submitting reports of near-misses and potential hazards. These reports are shared with our customers in order for them to take action to rectify defects on their own premises and are also reported internally for logging and analysis. Expanding the use and ability of our service database, Kimoce, has allowed us to ensure local reports can be accessed, downloaded and submitted to clients expeditiously. This allows for better trend analysis and prompts global action on common issues.