TSG | Technical Services and Solutions

New Product from TSG UK – The DCD – Driver Controlled Delivery Unit

DCD System: Deliver fuel at any time of day with a driver-controlled delivery unit

TSG UK customers can now benefit from a DCD system, which allows fuel to be delivered for customers at any time of day, on any day of the week, without any staff needing to be on-site when a fuel delivery takes place.

The DCD system works by communicating with the Tank Gauge System at the start of delivery, informing the driver of the fuel tanker as to whether there is sufficient room in the tank for fuel to be delivered safely. Upon completion of the fuel delivery, the driver will receive a printed Delivery Report confirming the correct amount of fuel was delivered.

Information regarding the status of the fuel tanks can be obtained at any time, with the amount of fuel that can be safely delivered to a tank, known as tank ullage, shown on an illuminated display within the DCD system’s cabinet. If the tanker contains more fuel than this determined amount, delivery is prevented that leaves fuel in the vehicle. This makes it particularly useful for unmanned fuelling sites, as well as for manned sites to enable delivery outside of working hours.

Thanks to the ability to schedule deliveries 24/7, the overall cost is typically reduced while deliveries can be scheduled much faster, vastly improving the cost-effectiveness of the delivery process.

The unit, which can be fitted on a pedestal or fixed to a wall with wall mounting brackets, is designed with safety and ease-of-use in mind. With site illumination control in the form of a floodlight circuit, tanker drivers are given extra visibility when delivering in the hours of darkness.

The system also incorporates an audible overfill alarm, as well as an emergency stop switch and telephone should an emergency arise.

If you’d like to find out more about how a DCD System can improve cost efficiency for your business, get in touch with TSG today. 

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