TSG | Technical Services and Solutions

Meet Team TSG: Gail Davis

For our latest Meet the Team interview, we hear from Gail Davis, Fleet Installation Operations Manager at our Barnsley office…

What does your average working day look like?

It is like playing chess, juggling, and completing a jigsaw at the same time. I’m the main contact and decision maker between our installation team and administration teams, ensuring that all departments have the support and resources available to ensure we can fulfill our role of achieving with minimal or no disruption for our engineers.

What’s your background?

My background is forged in business administration. My husband was a career soldier and early on in our marriage I made the decision to establish my own career that would allow me to maintain my own independence and adapt to the challenges that being a Forces wife brings. I went to college and night classes to establish a sound background in business administration.  I started with Cameron Forecourt six years ago as part of their administration team, then progressing to admin supervisor. When TSG took over, I then took on the position of Operations Manager for TSG Fleet, a role which I enjoy immensely.

What do you like about working for TSG?

It sounds a bit corny, but it’s the people I work with – they’re great! I never wake up in the morning and think, ‘I don’t want to go into work today.’ I’m extremely fortunate that I have a great admin team and our installation engineers are fantastic, everyone will always go above and beyond what we ask of them. It’s also great that my commute is only five minutes!

Imagine the pandemic was over tomorrow and everything went back to normal.. what would be the first thing you’d do?

I will keep this simple – I will hug my best friend! It’s been 12 months since we have been able to have that hug. Being family-orientated, it’s been hard and I look forward to visiting Scotland and spending time with the clan. During the pandemic, we’ve had an addition to the family, a great-niece who was born prematurely – I look forward to spoiling everyone.

I’ve asked what you’re average working day looks like.. but how about your average day off?

I enjoy watching and playing golf and I was a former Lady Captain. I also like to knit, read and I love murder mysteries – my husband is always making comments that one night I will put theory into practice!

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