TSG | Technical Services and Solutions

Meet Team TSG: Kelly-Ann Lawson

Tell us a bit about your role with TSG…

I currently work as a Management Accountant for the Finance Department and focus on getting the financial results together for Senior Management. During the month, I oversee the finance system and review all the financial results, transactions, balance sheet, profit, and loss accounts and present these to the senior management.

How did you come to be at TSG?

This is my first role within the industry as such and it’s been a massive learning curve. In previous roles, I worked on portfolios of clients who I would see once a year to go over their year-end accounts, personal tax, and audits. This role, on the other hand, is quite varied – no day and no month-end is the same. It’s the same kind of concept behind the accountancy processes but at a much higher frequency and for just one company.

What do you like about working for TSG?

I’ve been working for TSG for 16 months, – only a couple of weeks after I started the pandemic hit, and we were told to work from home.

Initially, I was a bit apprehensive about coming into a new role and working from home, as I had to do a lot of learning about the industry and what we do as a business. I like working for TSG and how we are growing, in terms of where we see ourselves in five years. The future is exciting and it’s great to be a part of it.

It’s been strange to not be in the office Monday-Friday 9-5 during lockdown, but my actual role hasn’t changed too much.

What’s the first thing you’ll do when all restrictions are lifted?

I will probably go on holiday, I’m overdue one, my priority would be to spend a week in the sun with the kids. Although, I was saying to my partner recently how I could do with a weekend away without the kids!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I lead a very busy life, work is particularly busy this time of year due to year-end and audits, and as well as being a mum I am currently studying for my accountancy exams.  When I have some downtime I fit some time in at the gym, and family days are spent outside exploring Scotland and its landmarks.

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