TSG | Technical Services and Solutions

Hardware and Software Support

TSG service engineers can offer on-site service, backed up by our dedicated helpdesk staff who are analysts with years of experience of both Iridium and Prism.

Sage Accounting

TSG UK developed a new link to Sage version 25 which is available for installation to sites using our support services. This system has been designed so that when a new release of Sage is published, our software, once updated, is automatically upgraded on your site system.

Handheld Terminal Systems

TSG UK has updated the handheld software for Prism 2.  It can be used on an up to date terminal platform at an optimal price.  In addition to this, we have made the software available as an App on your phone so if you want area managers to do spot checks on-site or save yourself the cost of new hardware then this is the ideal solution for your business. We have also added some new features so for example you can take your stock file to the cash and carry to help you with your stock purchases.

TSG Wash - helpdesk

Bespoke System Configurations

For a minimal charge, we can carry out work on your system that falls outside of your support contract. These include fuel-grade changes, pump to tank mapping amendments, system cleardowns, wholesaler changes, and stock file cleansing.

Training from TSG


If you have new staff on-site that need additional training or want to make better use of your Prism system we can offer remote training via Microsoft Teams or carry out on-site visits following the current health and safety guidelines.   As well as system training we offer a profit clinic to help you get more out of your stock on site.

Local Account Cards

For those sites that have local account customers, TSG UK can offer the programming of new cards at competitive prices.

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