TSG | Technical Services and Solutions

SAFEtember 2021

SAFEtember 2021

We have all been through some very difficult times in the last 18 months, and it is important to remember the teamwork and positivity that has helped to pull us through here at TSG UK.  It is also important, as the country starts to open up more, and our home and work lives return to something more akin to normality, that we continue with events that support the business, and continue to keep us safe.  As such, and given the time of year, we are pleased to announce that we are once more running SAFEtember across TSG UK.

Health & Safety always remains the top priority of TSG UK Solutions, and as a national and international business, our message ‘Go Home Safe’ is not just a marketing strapline but the aspiration of all of us who manage the business. Working with our dedicated health and safety managers and outside consultants we want all our employees and customers to understand the importance of safe working practices and taking responsibility, as individuals working in Team TSG we can all Go Home Safe if we follow safe workplace guidance.

For those not familiar with SAFEtember, and who have recently joined TSG UK, since 2019 TSG health and safety department has run an annual event in September called SAFEtember.  We select 4 key topics each year and dedicate a week of September to each, all with the underlining message of ‘GO HOME SAFE’.

The first year was presented across the country in four different locations with all TSG personnel joining in.  Last year proved to be very difficult with the COVID restrictions and we had to look for a different delivery solution and took SAFEtember online.  This year we are opening up a little!  Still a little cautious but we are planning to deliver some interesting presentations that will help keep our team safe both in the workplace and at home

This year we have planned a live presentation and on-line delivery. A one-day presentation in Leeds followed by a TEAMS, on-line roadshow presentations throughout the month of September.

Each year we try and identify health and safety issues that might be at the top of national trends, for example in the past we have covered the use of mobiles, the effect their use might have on repetitive strain injury, and a dangerous distraction while driving. We try to choose topics that are relevant to all staff whether you are field or office based – this year’s topics are:

·       Mental health awareness

·       Noise in the workplace

·       High risk activities

·       Manual handling

We work together through September on our health and safety initiative, to keep us all safe so that each one of us can Go Home Safe, today, throughout September, and for the years ahead.

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