SAFEtember 2020

Health and Safety is at the core of what TSG UK stands for – to ensure a safe environment for all our employees, sub-contractors, clients and their end customers.

In last year’s campaign TSG UK organised a very successful SAFEtember roadshow that took place at various locations around the country to promote TSG’s key message ‘Go Home Safe’. The 4 key topics were: Health and Wellbeing, Respiratory Illness, Mental Health and Driving Safely.

Following last year’s award-winning success, we will be running SAFEtember again this year but due to the current circumstances, this year’s SAFEtember roadshow will be a little different.

This year’s SAFEtember ‘Go Home Safe’ campaign is going digital!

Starting on the 1st September 2020 our Health and Safety team will publish a presentation on the website each week. I would like to encourage everyone to view the published presentations and think about how they could apply to your own circumstances, by improving health, the work environment, looking after colleagues and in your personal day-to-day lives.

This year’s 4 topics are:

  • Risk Assessments – by Neil Farmer
  • Health & Wellbeing (Nutrition) – by Eleanor Rees
  • Near Misses & Reporting – by Dave Hill
  • MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders) – by Amanda Heading

Let’s all work together in making this year’s SAFEtember campaign just as successful as last year, and let’s always work together to ensure everyone can ‘Go Home Safe’.

Henry SimpsonHenry Simpson
Managing Director

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Presentations will become available throughout the month September, please visit the SAFEtember page each monday of the week for new content – click on the links below to view the presentations.

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