TSG | Technical Services and Solutions

A seamless upgrade

The self-checkout kiosk is an ideal solution for retailers looking to modernise and optimise stores on their forecourt. While it may seem difficult to introduce a self-checkout on the forecourt, it’s designed to fit seamlessly with the in-store experience. Part of the Tokheim Fuel POS family, the DFS Self-Checkout solution is a ‘plug and play’ extension on your existing fuel POS system and offers customers the ability to pay for shop items, car washes and fuel in one transaction.


  • Gives customer choice to avoid the queue
  • Optimise the store
  • Part of Tokheim Fuel POS family – plug and play extension
  • Drive additional sales through your store
  • Improve customer experience
  • Single employee can supervise multiple terminals
  • Reduce staffing costs
  • Ideal for small purchases
  • Multiple self-checkouts take up less space than one POS till
  • Reduce in-store cash and focus on card payments
  • Modern, simple and easy to use interface
Payment Solutions at TSG UK
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