TSG | Technical Services and Solutions

TSG Launch Corporate Video in UK

TSG Call Lights, Camera, Action on its Promotional Video

TSG UK are proud to announce the launch of its new corporate promotional video, showcasing the company’s extensive suite of products and services for the energy distribution networks, both retail and non-retail, aimed at fuelling mobility.

TSG has seen significant growth in recent months, with its acquisition and merger with Cameron Forecourt – cementing the brand’s position as market leader in the supply, distribution, services, support and projects, within the UK.

Answering the demand for online visual content, the 3-minute video, produced by Worcestershire-based Top Banana, gives viewers a glimpse into the capacity of TSG’s product and service offering across its Seven business activities – providing the opportunity for existing and potential clients to see the company’s depth of expertise.

Alistair Clarke, Managing Director, TSG UK, comments: ‘With TSG’s most recent expansions, it’s important to ensure we continue to communicate the breadth of services we now provide the energy distribution and fuelling industry.

‘The new corporate video gives viewers a top line insight into what TSG provide and how we do it – which is no mean feat, considering the volume of products and services we offer.’

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