TSG | Technical Services and Solutions

TSG UK Retail – new name, same great service

TSG Retail is the forecourt industry’s leading provider of equipment and services, offering turnkey solutions to businesses across the UK.  Already widely known by our customers as TSG Fuel Retail, we made the bold decision to drop the word ‘fuel’ from our name, to keep pace with the changing energy landscape of today.

The fuelling industry is evolving at a rapid pace, driven by a growing sense of urgency to substantially reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and lower our carbon dioxide emissions. Now, more than ever before, consumers are demanding more choice when it comes to clean and efficient vehicles. Although petrol and diesel fuels still dominate our roads, new hybrid technologies, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), hydrogen and electric vehicles are increasing in popularity month on month.

TSG anticipated this shift in the market and through strategic partnerships, we can offer cleaner and more environmentally friendly ways to power vehicles and reduce the harmful effects of global warming. In addition, astute business acquisitions have enabled us to broaden our scope of products and services, to satisfy the increasing demand for new technologies and greener solutions.

Through the tightening of environmental policies and laws, an increase in fuel taxes and further restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions, work on alternative energy solutions has become high priority for governments globally. The automotive industry is reacting and adapting to these changes, which offers forecourt owners new opportunities to increase their revenue streams, as these technologies become ever more prominent. This is where TSG Retail can help – through our extensive portfolio we deliver comprehensive, technology-advanced products and services that provide intelligent end-to-end solutions for our customers.

TSG Retail’s name change is a positive move, to create a strong brand for the future and safeguard our position as one of the UK’s leading suppliers to the forecourt industry.

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