We care
for our people and stakeholders
By the very nature of TSG’s customer base, its technicians are required to travel from site to site to carry out their duties and inevitably encounter health and safety challenges from time to time.
TSG regards the health and safety of its employees and stakeholders as a priority in its CSR strategy and corporate culture. It is TSG’s responsibility to deliver services safely and competently across all of its operations.
To ensure these criteria are met and maintained by our Group, we have implemented a robust Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Protection (HSSE) policy covering all of our activities worldwide. Our goals are clearly defined and frequently monitored through key performance indicators.
In support of upholding continuous improvement at TSG, we keep abreast of new health and safety requirements, notably linked to the specifics of responsible mobility solutions and associated risks. We continuously work to provide a safe and secure workplace for all of our employees and ultimately attain zero-accident status.