Home / CSR / Our 7 princinples / We aim to reduce our environmental impact

We have always considered protecting the environment and delivering our services with efficient resource use as a major concern. We work internally and externally to fight the climate change with all of our stakeholders.
We are pioneers in the transition towards biofuels; now, we are disrupting the sector with gas and electric charge, while situated at the cutting-edge of the coming hydrogen revolution. We are also working with our people to reduce our environmental impact and our carbon footprint globally and locally in every TSG entity.
We are fully committed to the energy transition and we understand the changes it will induce in the way in which we operate and conduct our business. Thus, we commit to more environmentally sustainable business offers by conducting a strategic transition towards new energies’ technical solutions and services but also by increasing our teams’ engagement on the matter. Our objective is to lead by change and reflect our engagements towards our stakeholders, partners and industry actors.” Read more about our corporate social responsibility strategy here.